Wednesday Morning, 3AM
Friday, July 04, 2003
From the CCN article in my last post, you can get to this site which has a listing of dead malls with photo. I couldn't find one that I know of in Somerville, MA, that currently has the indoor portion of the mall closed, and whose only stores left are a Building #19 and a K-mart. That is a sure sign that a mall is dead, if a B#19 is praying on its carcess. (B#19 is great though, I buy a ton of stuff there, but its role is to pick on the carcesses of former stores.)
CNN has an article about how malls are dying...or at least those small ones that are near downtown areas. I guess all this work toward re-instating downtown America has been working to some extent. If I look at my current town, though, I don't believe it. The downtown area is very dank, and rather sleezy looking, with bizzar stores that have to be fronts (otherwise I don't believe they would ever find enough customers, really, who shops in a corsetry shop?) for a drug ring.

I would love to have the town get more life into the downtown area. I would much rather walk from my apartment, then fight traffic to the mall. Maybe the mayor should take a look at the story. It might give her hope for getting the downtown area something more than the sleezy fronts that now exist.

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